Is this the World’s Biggest Sto. Nino?
Running and biking gives me a chance to discover things by accident. Recently, I saw a huge “head” towering above the trees in Cavite. As I got closer, it was actually a very big statue of the Sto. Nino.

Sto. Nino is the Filipino representation of the child Jesus. The most famous one is the Sto. Nino de Cebu where Sinulog fiesta is held annually in Cebu to honor the Sto. Nino.
The huge statue of the Sto. Nino is located inside the Santurio del Nino in Silang, Cavite. Based on other photos in the internet, the construction has been ongoing for years already. It is still incomplete and the progress looks slow. It may take a couple more years to complete it.
Once completed, this could be the World’s Biggest Sto. Nino. I have not seen similar statues of this magnitude. Surely, devout Catholics will be visiting this place in huge numbers soon.